Discovered in the 1930s, high vitamin butter oil has become immensely popular over the years, due to its natural health benefits. Moreover, the high vitamin butter oil a dairy oil that is extracted from the cows, which are fed on nutrient-dense rapidly growing grass and not the traditional alternatives. Consecutively, high-vitamin butter oil contains a number of vitamins that are widely-known for improving the overall health such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin K2 among many others.
In addition to being casein and lactose-free, high vitamin butter oil is also eight times more effective and potent than regular butter. Besides, many doctors even recommend high vitamin butter oil to growing child, people who are experiencing dental decay and tooth sensitivity, patients who suffer from heart disease, diabetes among others. Read on to find out four major benefits of high vitamin butter oil.
Brain Health
Considering the fact that high vitamin butter oil contains arachidonic acid that generally comes from meat and eggs, it is great for brain health. Add to that, coenzyme 10 that is essential for the proper functioning of cells is also found in the high vitamin butter oil.
Stabilizing the Fatty Acid Balance
One of the major benefits of high vitamin butter oil is the fact that it helps in stabilizing the fatty acid balance.Protection from Pollutants and free Radicals
High vitamin butter oil contain vitamin A, which is great for the digestion of proteins, vitamins as well as water-soluble vitamins. Add to that, vitamin A is also a strong antioxidant, protecting the body from free radicals and pollutants.
Strong Teeth
Another major benefit of taking high vitamin butter oil is the fact that it contains vitamin D, which is crucial for strong and healthy teeth, bones among others.
While these were some of the benefits of high vitamin butter oil, there are many others, such as normal growth, cost-effective, strong bones among many others. However, it is important that you buy high vitamin butter oil from a reputable place. One of the recommended ones is Live Pine. They offer a broad range of products including high vitamin butter oil at affordable rates. You can visit their website at